File Server Optimization

Key Customer Benefits

  • More than 70% storage space reduction on servers
  • Lower bandwidth volume
  • Reduce data volume of necessary backups
  • Shorten backup windows
  • Postpone investment in new server hardware
  • Reduce data transfer costs
  • Increase server efficiency

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Case Study

Learn how Robins & Morton reduces unstructured data volume and postpones investments in additional file storage.

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Robins & Morton
Optimize the efficiency of file servers. Save on storage space and reduce storage increases.

FILEminimizer Server is the Enterprise software solution to achieve the highest possible efficiency of an organization's server environment. Its unique technology to optimize images and office files without changing the original file format or altering the quality directly on the server results in enormous storage space reductions of on average 70%. Put differently, the same number of files with the exact same content of information occupies after the optimization on average 70% less space on the servers. The storage reduction effect is immediately visible to the company. FILEminimizer Server is a software-only solution operated by the IT administrator and presents a fast and easy way to achieve immediate and massive storage space reductions and a higher efficiency of existing storage capacities.

File server optimization solution pie chart

In addition, file server optimization leads to considerable bandwidth improvements. With optimized files, bandwidth bottlenecks which are caused by extremely large files sent to multiple users can be avoided. Optimized files ensures that existing bandwidth is used more carefully and can even be reduced thanks to the enormous file size reductions which can be achieved with FILEminimizer Server.

File server optimization also leads to a massive reduction of data transfer costs, especially to and from mobile devices and reduces the support requests to the IT helpdesk as the communication problem of transferring large files is resolved.

File server optimization also improves an organization's backup management. With, on average, 70% smaller files, the volume of data to backup is considerably reduced. More data can be saved to the company's backup storage and backup windows are shortened. Full backups can be executed again.

  • Download the FILEminimizer Server datasheet.
  • Request an evaluation version of FILEminimizer Server.