ALLCapture Supporto
Lei ha dei problemi tecnici con ALLCapture? La nostra sezione FAQ aiuta a trovare delle risposte alle vostre domande più frequenti.
Se non trova la soluzione al Suo problema particolare, La preghiamo di contattarci tramite il nostro modulo di contatto descrivendo il problema in dettaglio. Verrà contatto da uno dei nostri tecnici al più presto possibile.
Il manuale di ALLCapture è scaricabile qui come PDF nelle lingue seguenti:
Domande frequenti (in inglese)
- My serial number and registration details are not working?
- The registration details compose of three pieces of information: "Serial Number", "Field #1" and "Field #2" - all information is necessary to successfully register your software.
- To ensure that you do not have any problems with your registration of ALLCapture, please Copy and Paste the information directly from the email sent to you into the appropriate registration fields.
- View the following screenshot to help you further with the process.
- x Chiudere
- What are the minimum system requirements required for ALLCapture?
Function |
Requirements |
Main Program |
Windows 98 or higher
Minimum 1.2GHz Pentium or compatible CPU
50MB of available hard disk space
SVGA graphic card, 256 colors
Capturing Movies or Videos |
Windows 2000 or higher (formatted as NTFS)
Minimum 2GHz Pentium or compatible CPU
30GB of available hard disk space
Dedicated SVGA graphic card with at least 256MB RAM
(integrated graphic solutions are not suitable)
- x Chiudere
- The maximum frame rate is very low. What do I do?
- When ALLCapture shows a frame rate that is less than 10 FPS (Frames per Second), either the graphic card is not powerful enough or the driver is out-dated. With some computers, users can update the graphic card driver to significantly increase the maximum frame rate. However, it can also be that the graphic card or the onboard graphic chip is not powerful enough. Updating your graphic card driver is always recommended before purchasing a new one. To see if the driver update was successful, you can start a new project in ALLCapture, and then click on the "Frame Rate" tab under "Recording Options". Then simply click the "Refresh max. Frame Rate" button.
- x Chiudere
- Why are videos recorded as a black area?
- To unburden the processor, film contents are decoded directly from the graphic card. This causes the black recording area during playback in ALLCapture. Windows only makes one surface available and the operating system does not recognize what takes place under this surface, therefore ALLCapture can not recognize it.
- A user can deactivate the hardware acceleration of the graphic card to capture the contents. With many computers this does not offer an acceptable playback speed. The hardware acceleration can be found under "Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display > Settings > Advanced > Troubleshoot". Slide the control bar to "No Hardware Acceleration".
- x Chiudere
- Why doesn't ALLCapture record the system sound?
- Many notebook manufacturers do not configure their drivers with the complete sound chip functions. This can be the reason that the recording device detection function is unable to recognize the device for recording system sounds. With desktop computers it is possible to install a sound card that offers this function. A driver update might also help to solve this problem.
- If you use Vista, please view this demo for additional help.
- x Chiudere
- How can I record PowerPoint presentations as a video?
- Using ALLCapture, start a new project and select the desired resolution i.e. 800x600 pixels before you click record, open PowerPoint with the desired presentation. Begin recording with ALLCapture and then start the slideshow using the icon or the F5 key. Immediately press CTRL+SHIFT+P to fit the presentation into the recording window. Navigate through the presentation at the desired speed (if necessary), and end the recording session as soon as the presentation is finished. Then simply cut the beginning of the recording so that the first slide is at the start.
- TIP: If the presentation plays to fast to catch the first slide in the recording box, simply insert an empty slide at the start of the presentation. Then the real first slide will appear after the dummy slide with only a click of the mouse.
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- x Chiudere
- After I upgraded to Vista, the maximum frame decreased - why?
- Windows Vista has large requirements from the hardware so that the performance of ALLCapture can be affected. Because most of the resources are required for the operating system, it does not leave much for the software that is running. One possibility is to disable the different graphic gimmicks offered by Vista. You can deactivate the ones that are not necessary through "Control Panel > Performance Information and Tools". The "Adjust Visual Effects" option can be found in the "Task" panel on the left hand side.
- TIP: Activating the "Desktop Configuration" utilizes a lot of performance.
- x Chiudere
- Which setting for the Memory Manager is best?
- With PCs that have a lot of RAM memory (2-4GB), the Memory Manager can be set at higher setting or completely turned off. This option is for PCs that do not have a lot of RAM memory, which is important for video recording. Otherwise the setting of 300MB is hardly reached.
- x Chiudere
- Which frame rate do I need when recording my screen?
- The frame rate is important for recording videos and other media. 12 frames per second is usually acceptable and 15 frames per second is more than sufficient. It is usually best to test this with different content to decide how many frames per second are best. The user must realize that the higher the frame rate, the larger the file size is going to be. When recording standard software programs, the picture does not change that much. Recording between 5-8 frames per second accurately captures mouse movements while providing a low file size. With programs, such as CAD software, that include moving objects, a frame rate of 8 is acceptable because in most cases the movement is not very fast.
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- x Chiudere
- What is the difference between ALLCapture and ALLCapture Enterprise?
- ALLCapture Enterprise offers a lot more functionalities especially for the professional user, such as zoom, scaling and unlimited recording.
- Our comparison table shows you all the differences between ALLCapture and ALLCapture Enterprise.
- In addition to the enhanced functionality, the Enterprise version includes SkinStudio and PanelStudio.
- SkinStudio enables users to create their own individual speech bubbles and text objects in order to meet design needs and to create a personalized look.
- With PanelStudio users can create their own personalized navigation toolbar for playback applications. Create a navigation bar that fits your corporate design to give your videos and demos a more professional look.
- x Chiudere
- How do I record my screen with sound?
- When starting a new recording session you get the possibility to adjust some functionalities.
- The "Sound" tab allows you to adjust the recording attributes of the sound you wish to record and to select whether or not you would like to record sound.
- As well as being able to record the sound over the microphone, with ALLCapture you can even record the sound, such as phone conferences, directly over the sound card. Please make sure before you record sound, that you have chosen the correct sound card and the correct audio input device. The device for recording the sound directly from the sound card is often named as "Stereo Mix".
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- x Chiudere
- How can I upload videos to YouTube?
- YouTube accepts a wide range of video file formats such as WMV, AVI, MOV and MPG transferred from most digital cameras, camcorders and mobile phones.
- ALLCapture supports the MPG format, however YouTube also accepts our ASF format.
- We've found that files converted from WMV to one of the other formats our webpage accepts generally have a lower playback quality than other file formats. If you have your source video in a format other than a WMV file, you may want to encode directly to MPEG-4 (DivX, Xvid, SVQ3) at 640x480 resolution, with 64k mono MP3 Audio. If you have a source WMV in high bitrate and larger resolution you may want to convert to MPEG-4 at full resolution and then resizing to 320x240 using a high quality resizing algorithm - this can help reduce the number of artifacts you end up with.
- x Chiudere
Se non trova la soluzione al Suo problema particolare, La preghiamo di contattarci tramite il nostro modulo di contatto descrivendo il problema in dettaglio. Verrà contatto da uno dei nostri tecnici al più presto possibile.