Lotus Notes
FILEminimizer Office and FILEminimizer Suite offers an email add-in for Lotus Notes starting from Lotus Notes v. 6.0. Once installed, this add-in detects if an optimizable file is attached to an outgoing email. As soon as the "Send" button is clicked, the FILEminimizer add-in intervenes and optimizes the office or image attachment on-the-fly before it is sent out. This reduces the increase in size for both the sender's and the receiver's email accounts and also secures the email communication of big office files.
On a corporate level, the global deployment of the FILEminimizer add-in for Lotus Notes to all email clients within an organization relieves the load on Domino email servers, lowers the used bandwidth for email and secures the email communication of big office and image attachments.
The Lotus Notes add-in can be easily installed and deployed to all Lotus Notes users. It can be set to optimize all optimizable attachments automatically using the pre-configured compression setting. In this case the FILEminimizer add-in for Lotus Notes works silently and without any required interaction from the end-user. The add-in can also be set to perform the optimization of an attachment only upon confirmation from the end-user. In this case, after hitting the "Send" button, the optimization of the file must be confirmed by the end-user.