TurboDemo Support - How can I change the time for slides or the whole demo?

You may find that your demo is going too fast or too slow and would like to change the speed of individual slides or the whole project. You may also have encountered a situation where you have captured screenshots without moving your mouse. When this happens the slides are shown more rapidly. All these situations can be adjusted using the following steps.

Adjusting The Time For Individual Slides

  1. From your toolbar select « Visualizza | Visualizza diapositiva selezionata ». The « Pannello di Controllo » toolbar is now viewable to use Pannello di Controllo
  2. You can now increase or decrease the time duration for this slide Pannello di Controllo

Adjusting The Time For The Whole Project

  1. From your toolbar select « Progetto | Opzioni ». The « Opzioni Progetto » window is now viewable to use Opzioni Progetto
  2. By adjusting the options found on the « Regolazione del tempo » tab you can influence the display time of the slides for the whole project Opzioni Progetto