TurboDemo Support - How do I create a transparent pause button?

Why would you use this feature?

  • You have a slide that contains a menu with multiple links on it and you do not want this slide to continue automatically onto the next one
  • You do not want to use the success/error message (« Insertar área de clic » option) to appear after you have clicked on a field to move to the next slide
  • You want the final slide of your demo to remain visible instead of jumping back to the first slide

For TurboDemo version 7.0 or later

  1. With your TurboDemo project open, select the slide you wish to add the pause button to
  2. From your toolbar select « Ver | Ver diapositiva »
  3. From your toolbar select « Diapositiva | Insertar botones de pausa »
  4. You can resize and reposition the pause button on the slide
  5. Right mouse click on the pause button and select « Ocultar botón de pausa »

For TurboDemo version 6.5 or earlier

  1. First you will need to create a plain colored image using your graphics editor application, size 15x15 pixels, preferably black
  2. With your TurboDemo project open, select the slide you wish to add the pause button to
  3. From your toolbar select « Ver | Ver diapositiva »
  4. From your toolbar select « Diapositiva | Insertar botones de pausa »
  5. Double mouse click on the pause button that now appears on your slide and the « Definir imagen para el botón de pausa » window will now be visible to use Definir imagen para el botón de pausa
  6. Select the « Asignar » button Asignar
  7. Browse to the image file you created in Step 1 and click « Apria » and then « OK »
  8. You can reposition the pause button on the slide if you wish
  9. Right mouse click on the pause button and select « Definir color transparente »
  10. The « Color » window will appear on your screen. You must select the exact same color as your created image from Step 1. Click « OK »
  11. The pause button will now appear invisible on your slide. If you cannot remember where it is, right mouse click anywhere on the slide and select « Seleccionar todos los objetos »