TurboDemo Support - How do I create a transparent pause button?
Why would you use this feature?
- You have a slide that contains a menu with multiple links on it and you do not want this slide to continue automatically onto the next one
- You do not want to use the success/error message (« Insertar área de clic » option) to appear after you have clicked on a field to move to the next slide
- You want the final slide of your demo to remain visible instead of jumping back to the first slide
For TurboDemo version 7.0 or later
- With your TurboDemo project open, select the slide you wish to add the pause button to
- From your toolbar select « Ver | Ver diapositiva »
- From your toolbar select « Diapositiva | Insertar botones de pausa »
- You can resize and reposition the pause button on the slide
- Right mouse click on the pause button and select « Ocultar botón de pausa »
For TurboDemo version 6.5 or earlier
- First you will need to create a plain colored image using your graphics editor application, size 15x15 pixels, preferably black
- With your TurboDemo project open, select the slide you wish to add the pause button to
- From your toolbar select « Ver | Ver diapositiva »
- From your toolbar select « Diapositiva | Insertar botones de pausa »
- Double mouse click on the pause button that now appears on your slide and the « Definir imagen para el botón de pausa » window will now be visible to use

- Select the « Asignar » button

- Browse to the image file you created in Step 1 and click « Apria » and then « OK »
- You can reposition the pause button on the slide if you wish
- Right mouse click on the pause button and select « Definir color transparente »
- The « Color » window will appear on your screen. You must select the exact same color as your created image from Step 1. Click « OK »
- The pause button will now appear invisible on your slide. If you cannot remember where it is, right mouse click anywhere on the slide and select « Seleccionar todos los objetos »