FILEminimizer SharePoint is a plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint which handles the transparent native format optimization of PowerPoint, Word, Excel, PDF and image files directly before saving and storing the files onto your Microsoft SharePoint storage. The uploaded files take up on average 70% less space on Microsoft SharePoint storage and help to significantly reduce Microsoft SharePoint costs.
The FILEminimizer SharePoint plug-in works as a control module for the actual optimization which, for performance reasons, can also take place on a dedicated server or PC rather than on the actual Microsoft SharePoint web server.
FILEminimizer SharePoint contributes to a more efficient use of the data space and reduces the overall data growth on Microsoft SharePoint. Microsoft SharePoint environments are relieved, uploaded files can be accessed easier and faster while Microsoft SharePoint storage costs are significantly reduced.
Learn how 50% unstructured data reduction cuts primary storage requirements in half for Mahwah K-12 District
Learn how media company Kello releases over 55TB of primary storage and achieves 73% unstructured file reduction.
Learn how Chr. Hansen achieved 30-40% unstructured data reduction worldwide.
Learn how Robins & Morton reduces unstructured data volume and postpones investments in additional file storage.
Learn how FILEminimizer technology reduces Microsoft Office and image data volume by 69% for Celestica Thailand.
11,200 employees of Manor AG successfully use FILEminimizer on workstations and servers. Their average compression is 81%.