TurboDemo Support - How can I link demos together?
Use the following steps to link your demos together.
With your project open, select the slide you wish to add the link to
From your toolbar select "View | Single Slide Mode"
From your toolbar select "Slide | Insert Slide Action" to make the "Action Options" window appear
The "Action Options" window allows you to define which type of interactivity you would like the slide to have. Select "Go to URL"
Type the name of the demo that you would like to link to into the "URL" field. Enter the file location as a relative path (../demo/demoName.swf) or if both demos are in the same folder, just enter the file name (demoName.swf)
If you would like the linked demo to open in a new window, tick the "Open in a new window" checkbox
If you would like the linked demo to appear before or after the current slide you have selected, change the "Fire Action" option accordingly